Sedation Dentistry uses medications and techniques to control dental pain while the dental procedure is carried out. This can help to get rid of the pain and control anxiety during the surgical procedure or dental wellness visit.
You can be sedated if you have any of the following issues:
Inhaling nitrous oxide is one of the most widely used sedation techniques by dentists. It is also called laughing gas. It is being inhaled through a comfortable mask that is placed over the nose, which then produces a light level of relaxation and sedation.
Benefits of nitrous oxide sedation
Patients with moderate to high levels of dental anxiety are managed with the help of IV sedation or Intravenous sedation. It is the mixture of sedative drugs and painkilling drugs that are administered intravenously into your bloodstream. Your breathing, bp, and heart rate will be monitored by the dentists throughout the procedure to keep you healthy and safe.
Benefits of IV sedation
In this type of sedation, the person is put to sleep during the whole procedure. This type of anesthesia is quite risky as there might be a sudden drop in the patient’s blood pressure and irregular heartbeats, so it is necessary to monitor closely. That is why this is given only when extensive dental work is needed.
The other mind/body techniques used are distraction strategies, relaxation techniques, guided imagery, deep breathing, progressive relaxation, hypnosis, support groups, or mental health therapy.
Call us at (386) 445-6111 or schedule an online appointment with Dr. Jacob for a consultation at our office in Palm Coast, FL.